Why We Travel Here are 3 important reasons to send staff, leaders, or even whole teams out into the field. 01. 02. Checking in 03. Team building Holding a meeting For companies with multiple Being there fosters an easier Making the investment to bring bases—or, say, manufacturing exchange of thoughts and employees together helps facilities abroad—visiting means ideas. People respond to a create a sense of unity. These seeing operations first-hand, range of cues to understand gatherings also allow for the having unexpected asides, and and become comfortable with chance to put faces to names creating the potential to identify others; all of the subtlety and and increase understanding new approaches. For remote subtext in an interaction is fully between colleagues and employees, these visits also in play. This can help close a departments. Plus, changing underscore that headquarters deal, give rise to new ideas, locations can spark creativity is paying attention. and bring people closer. and generate ideas.

How In-Person Connections are Essential for Post-COVID Business - Page 5 How In-Person Connections are Essential for Post-COVID Business Page 4 Page 6