Introduction That’s the percentage of employees who said they’d feel comfortable traveling after getting the COVID-19 vaccine, according to a GBTA study. 78% Without vaccinations? Just 55%. Vaccines may be game-changers, but the big picture around the return of business travel is more complicated. First, vaccinating the planet will clearly take some time. Plus, questions remain around unknowns like COVID-19 variants and As the world returns to travel, prepare reinfections. For businesses, navigating this interim period will be with this mini-guide. You’ll get: tricky. How can you keep employees safe while staying compliant and within budget as events unfold? ● Insights into how peers are feeling Guidance is still taking shape. But decisions made now can help lay about the effects of vaccines on travel. the groundwork for a return to travel that ticks all the boxes. Making those decisions requires factoring in many considerations, such as: ● Checklists of vaccine considerations. ● What if an employee doesn’t want to get vaccinated? ● Are areas with low vaccination rates safe for vaccinated employees? ● Where do digital health passports fit in?

Travel Vaccine Consideration Checklist - Page 2 Travel Vaccine Consideration Checklist Page 1 Page 3