Risk Factors Financial Considerations Because the bottom line is a risk for any business. Risk doesn’t stop when the traveler lands; it continues on through to what they expensed while on the road. Of concern to any finance team are: Minimizing costs Reducing Fraud Custom policy tools can be tailored to your needs and Organizations lose 5% of their revenue to fraud every account for the factors necessary to drive compliance. year, and only 43% of frauds are discovered.* Risk Mitigation Secret ● Implement a spend management platform with dynamic policy and real-time visibility into spend, as well as AI to flag irregular or out-of-policy spend. * Association of Certified Fraud Examiners

11 Secrets for Managing the Risks of Business Travel Through 2022 - Page 10 11 Secrets for Managing the Risks of Business Travel Through 2022 Page 9 Page 11